Dashboard Dermatology EHR

PracticeStudio offers providers a quick glance at their practice with several metrics.


Dashboard Options

The dashboard is designed to allow a provider to quickly review tasks that require their attention. For example:

  • Review In-House Messages
  • Track Lab Results
  • Meaningful Use
  • Monitor the Real-Time Patient Visit Load
  • Prescription Refills
  • Tasks Assigned to the Provider


  • See at a glance how many messages are in your PracticeStudio Inbox, how many are unread, and how many require you to perform some sort of action.
  • Use the "More Details" option to go straight to your Inbox and read messages or mark tasks as complete.

Lab Results

  • View the numbers of labs that require action: those awaiting doctor review, those awaiting results, and those that have already been reviewed and need to be released to the patient or require that an appointment be scheduled.
  • Use the "More Details" option to access the Lab Management folder, where you can view lab results, indicate that an appointment needs to be scheduled or the results can be released, or close completed labs.

Meaningful Use

  • See an overall pie chart with your current standing on all Core Objectives.
  • Use the "More Details" option to access the Meaningful Use folder, where you can view all Core Objectives along with their current standing, value, and percentage complete.

Patient Visits

Monitor clinic activity with the Patient Capacity Indicator and the Patient Visit pie chart:

  • See with a single glance whether your facility's patient capacity is elevated. The Capacity Indicator compares the number of rooms in your clinic to the number of patients checked in through the PracticeStudio Patient Tracking system.
  • View the number of patients onsite, the number in the waiting room, and the total number of patient visits for the day. The Patient Visit pie chart also works in conjunction with Patient Tracking.


  • See a progress bar indicating the number of e-Script Errors, Labs To Review, Open Chart Encounters, and Refill Requests
  • Click on any of the following tasks to get detailed information to correct any potential problems and maintain current requests.


  • See the number of refill requests, manual or electronic, that need to be managed; view any eprescribing errors; and monitor the number of new scripts and refill scripts written today.
  • Use the "More Details" option to open the Refill Requests Management page, which contains both electronic and manual refill requests and allows you to approve or deny those requests with the easy-to-use and intuitive Refill Request Wizard.