PracticeStudio Patient Portal
The online PracticeStudio Patient Portal is an amazing tool that allows the patient and clinic staff to interact while saving bandwidth,
time, and energy. In today’s connected world, it is important to be able to efficiently provide your patients with the medical records,
lab results, and more.
Provider and Staff Interaction
Anytime that any type of media is uploaded to the portal, it is associated with a message, similar to email, that is sent only through the
online portal. This allows a secure transmission of the information and maintains HIPAA compliance. Providers and staff can upload
virtually any portion of the patient’s record including the ability to upload a CCD (Care Document) that can be viewed and/or downloaded
by the patient.
Email Notifications
When any form of communication is sent to a patient through the portal or vice versa, an email will be sent notifying the recipient that
there is something new in their portal. This maintains HIPAA compliance while letting the recipient know that there is a new message awaiting
them in their portal.
Secure Two Way Communication
There are times when a message may need to be sent to a patient or a patient wants to send one to a staff member or provider. The
PracticeStudio Patient Portal allows secure two way communication acting much like online email, but secure, encrypted, and HIPAA
compliant. This process can be initiated by the patient as well.
Stage 2 DIRECT Communication Supported
As part of the Stage 2 Meaningful Use requirements a new regulation was put in place that allows a SMIME email to be sent to an outside
party. This was intended to allow for easier long-term transfers of care or outside referrals to be sent a CCD. This process, however,
can be cumbersome to employ as it requires that certificates are setup and traded between the two vendors (i.e. PracticeStudio and any
other 3rd party). This is a process that only has to be done once per 3rd party vendor.
This is why we also allow a 3rd party to be sent the CCD through the online portal as long as they have an email address. The
PracticeStudio Portal method requires no additional 3rd party interaction and is ready out-of-the-box.