Device Options
Today, more than ever before, there are so many different technologies and devices available to consumers such as desktops,
laptops, tablets, and smartphones. On each of these platforms there are different operating systems which require different
code bases such as Windows, IOS (Apple), and Android.
PracticeStudio runs strictly a Microsoft Windows platform which includes desktop editions Windows 7 or greater. If running on
the PracticeStudio Cloud or in a workgroup setting, Home editions are supported. If running in a domain environment, then a
Pro or Business version must be used.
Touch Interface
PracticeStudio has been engineered from the very beginning to be a touch friendly interface while in the charting environments.
We were pioneers in the field of touch screen interfaces. In fact, when we first began in 1989 and continuing through the 1990’s,
we had to build each touch screen. Touch screen interfaces have since come on strong and for good reason, it is a powerful and
clean interface. As such, PracticeStudio works well with devices that support touch screen interfaces.
The term tablet is widely used and can have very different meanings. PracticeStudio supports tablets that run a full version of
Windows 7 or later. One recommended tablet is the Microsoft Surface Pro. Starting with version 3 of the Microsoft Surface, the
screen resolution and screen size is more conducive to a positive experience since by their nature, tablets are small.
At present, PracticeStudio application itself does not run on any smartphone. The PracticeStudio Portal, designed for use by the
patients, has been optimized to support a positive smartphone experience.